Make a Donation

Jana spent much of her adult life invested in the fate of endangered species, paticularly avian and marine life. As expressed in her personal message, it's her wish for people desiring to donate to a cause in her name (or in lieu of sending flowers) to give money to these organizations that she supported with such passion and purpose.

Project Wildlife

Project Wildlife - Jana volunteered at Project Wildlife, a San Diego-based organization focused primarily on birds, before her illness became too severe to continue. They work on behalf of animals in Southern California, to educate the public and rehabilitate displaced local wildlife. During her short time there she handfed birds in their hatchling and nestling stages of development, preparing them for re-release into their natural habitats.

Please Donate to Project Wildlife

Sea Shepard

Sea Shepard Conservation Society - Based out of Washington State, the Sea Shepard is the focus of the television series Whale Wars, which Jana watched avidly, being a longtime supporter of enforcing laws that prohibit the illegal capture and slaughter of whales. Their mission is to end the widespread destruction of habitat and killing of wildlife in the world's oceans using a more direct approach than organizations like Green Peace.

Please Donate to the Sea Shepard


Oceanic Preservation Society - Producers of the Oscar winning documentary "The Cove," which highlights the trapping and slaughter of dolphins in Japan, the OPS is a non-profit organization founded by photographers, filmmakers, artists and activists. The film's horrifying imagery depicting the brutal spearing of these intelligent creatures reinforced Jana's longstanding concern for the presrvation of all marine mammals.

Please Donate to OPS

Turperntine Creek

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge - Jana and I visited Turpentine Creek in Eureka Springs, Arkansas summer of 2001 and decided to adopt one of their big cats, "SA", a Bengal Tiger rescued from a drug compound in San Antonio. Their mission is to provide lifetime refuge for abandoned, abused and neglected wildlife with emphasis on tigers, lions, leopards and cougars.

Please Donate to Turpentine Creek

Jana Pershing